“I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have given our family. To see a team of family and friends come together to support our daughter has given us strength, and to do this in such a fun way, challenging our physical strength and endurance on your course has a unique irony to it as she has to have strength and endurance everyday to live with her disease.” – Aubree (mother of one of our ‘Renegades’)”

Behind every effort, every dollar raised and every person made aware is a daughter, son, brother, sister, mother or father effected by type 1 diabetes. In fact T1D doesn’t just involve the person living with the disease, it involves their entire family and support system. We are proud to create an event that provides our community with hope, with an outlet to band together to raise awareness and funds toward a cure for a disease that doesn’t get the attention needed. We are honored to give these gifts to our community and appreciate your support.
10th Annual Renegade Run Obstacle Course Race

Safety for our community, family and friends is the top priority of Type One. The 9th Annual Renegade Run Obstacle Course Race, sponsored by Type One, will now take place as a virtual event. During this challenging time, staying connected (and active) is more important than ever. While our event is typically held in October, the uncertainty of the virus has led us to make the decision to not have our 9th Renegade Run at the park. While the decision saddens us, we are determined to stay connected to you, and will move forward with a Virtual Run, which we promise will be unique to our Type One brand, and to you, our Renegades.
The purpose of our Virtual Run is to have fun, stay motivated and to connect with each other as we continue to raise awareness and funds toward a cure for type 1 diabetes (T1D). Your registration fee supports our Type One Cares campaign, an amazing charity making huge strides to provide assistance to those living with T1D, while continuing to fund Dr. Faustman’s efforts to advance research toward a cure for disease.
Type One was founded in 2012 by a group of South Shore residents to support their friend Tyson Sunnerberg, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease in which a person’s pancreas stops producing insulin, when he was 21 years old. On November 25, 2012, the first ever Renegade Run Obstacle Course Race was held raising awareness and funds toward a cure.
Type One Cares

Our Mission
Type One, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, recognizes a world free of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and is dedicated to that future by raising public awareness and funds toward a cure through research. “Type One Cares” is a campaign dedicated to building a community to assist those affected by T1D with support, education and endowment, so they can live a powerful life beyond the diagnosis. Renegade Run Obstacle Course Race is a highly successful fundraising event that caters to fitness enthusiasts of all levels and focuses on camaraderie, goodwill and celebration of life. We support the life changing research of the Faustman Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital who is leading the way toward a cure for T1D.

Join Us In Supporting Our Local High School Students
We invite you to make a tax-deductible donation to support our Type One Cares Scholarship Fund.
Type One has expanded our financial giving by awarding ten (10) $1,000.00 scholarships to graduating high school seniors in our community to support advanced studies at any college, university, or technical institution.
Your contribution will make a difference!

Type One Supports The Work Of The Faustman Lab At Massachusetts General Hospital
Type One events have generated over $120,000 in support of the Faustman Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). The Faustman Lab is focused on discovering and developing new treatments for type 1 diabetes (T1D), a vaccine for the reversal of long-term type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases.

Send A Kid To T1D Camp
Through our donation and fundraising platforms, Type One has partnered with the Barton Center for Diabetes Education, one of the largest, independent camping and educational programs in the country dedicated to children who live with diabetes and the people who care for them. Type One will be providing scholarships for local children with T1D to attend a week of residential camp this summer.

Making A Difference In Our Community
The meaning behind our logo – the Blue Circle is the universal symbol for diabetes awareness – it represents life, vitality and health – and is an intricate part of our identity. This circle is about unity and declares our endless commitment to our mission of raising public awareness and funds toward a cure for type 1 diabetes and helping those living with the disease.

Providing Financial Help For Diabetes Management And Treatment
For qualifying recipients, Type One will provide assistance for families in need of purchasing diabetes supplies such as insulin, syringes, and test strips. Assist in paying for emergency care and assist with travel and accommodation costs for appointments when applicable. Proper supplies, education, and care allow a patient to properly manage diabetes, and by bettering care early on, risk for long term complications is much lower.